Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fun with Flickr

There are so many programs available to use with Flickr it's hard to know where to start.

I've been quite taken with one program but can't say too much because it's given me a great idea for a Christmas present. If I blog about it I fear I will forget, mention to the intended recipient that I have this blog if they want to check it out and give the game away.

Suffice it to say, it's using the hi tech world of blogging to come up with something individual and tangible that I'm hoping will be a winner under the Christmas tree.

I'm tempted to play with some of the others I've seen but fear I could lose days as I wander and browse. I would like to check out some of the ones that allow you to upload pics directly from your mobile. Haven't figured out what to do with the pics I take with my phone yet, other than use them as a portable photo album or use them as wallpaper.

Will add that to my todo list.

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