Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Web 2.0 Award winners

I took the easy way out and just looked at the winners of the Web 2.0 awards and was still overwhelmed by how much stuff is out there. At first I couldn't see what was so Web 2.0 about them, they looked just like regular online stores etc but then I realised that's the whole point. Sites like Etsy look like a regular online store, with regular types of payment such as Paypal and Credit cards but is functionally more like a stall at your local market. Crafty folk are able to use the web to get their creations out there without having to lug them all over the place. They can then get a larger number of people "through the doors" by being part of a collective store than having their own little website, and customers would have greater confidence to buy online. I've already emailed the address to my brother's mother in law as a means of selling her jewellery. (Or go to http://www.jewellerybyrae.blogspot.com/ -hmmm, must remember to ask for a commission!)

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