Wednesday, December 19, 2007
This is the end, my friend
Hopefully, some of what I've done has sunk in and will come in handy either at work or in my personal life at a later stage. I guess it's a matter of keeping an eye out for opportunities to apply what we have learned and being conscious that new solutions are being created every day. It's a bit of a reminder that the problems we deal with are shared by other individuals or organisations across the world and they may have found creative solutions that we can apply. The beauty of web 2.0 is that they have made them available to the world to use, improve or build on. It's up to us to be open to their suggestions.
Over and out.
Given that the books currently being added to things like the Guttenberg project are those in the public domain, it's also kinda cool to see some of the original images from old texts.
And for isolated people without ready access to library collections both Etexts and Ebooks mean they always have 'reading' material on hand.

You know how it is when you're in a foreign country, people think your accent is cool and want you to amuse them and their friends by saying something in your "funny" accent? I never know what to say so it's usually just "What do you want me to say?". It's the same when I'm asked to search for anything as a means of demonstrating a point or learning about something. I never know what to look for. So when it came to searching for podcasts, I ummed and ahhed until I relented and typed in "podcast book reviews".
One of the results was a series of podcasts from Nancy Pearl, the librarian who is the model for the Shushing Librarian Action Figure (not a doll mind, it's an action figure! So that's what I've added to my Bloglines. :)
And it's also a means for viral marketing but if it's funny (like the one below) you can kind of let it go. :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Web 2.0 Award winners
This is more like it. This kind of thing is what makes me excited about the whole Libraries 2.0 concept. Tools that overcome the limitations of the stand alone pc which allow easy collaboration between workmates, family members and/or friends.
When I first saw Google Docs and now Zoho, I wished I'd known about it sooner. I mean how much easier would it have been for my siblings and I to organise Mum and Dad's ruby anniversary do if we all had access to the same document rather than trying to keep up with who had the latest version.
Not to mention having access to documents from anywhere without having to email them backwards and forwards leading to the dreaded "Your inbox is over its size limit" message.
From a business perspective it would be useful for group projects, the final result could then be saved on a business drive without the limitless drafts that proceeded it.
It would also be great for home users who don't have a need for an Office Suite all the time but would like to occasionally use a word processor, spreadsheet etc. Not to mention to have permanent online access to resumes etc....
The features also seem to be similar enough to other programs that you can just open them and go.
Playing in the Sandbox
They would be perfect for people who aren't technologically gifted but wish they were.