Friday, October 26, 2007

Feed me!!!

I haven't had much chance to do any Libraries 2.0 for the last couple of weeks, other more pressing tasks were demanding my time. It also didn't help that RSS feeds were giving me some trouble, and it's difficult to perservere with something like that when your time is short. I'm also think that sometimes the best way to figure something out is to put it away and stop trying to figure it out. When you come back to it, you can then look at it with fresh eyes and give it another crack when the frustration has worn off. :)

It also gave me a chance to listen to what other people have done and how they got over the same hurdles.

So now, a good couple of weeks after setting up my bloglines account, I've finally got my feeds linked to my blog. Still not sure they're 100% right but I'm sure I'll figure it out/

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